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Festival Charity

We're proud to support Cherry Tree Nursery, for the third year, helping them in 'Caring for plants, caring for people'.

Cherry Tree Nursery home is Off New Road Roundabout, Northbourne, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH10 7DA.​



About Cherry Tree Nursery


We're proud to be supporting Cherry Tree Nursery, a local plant nursery producing more than 100,000 high-quality garden plants every year the charity is well known in the local community for its friendly atmosphere.


The charity was set up to provide sheltered rehabilitation, in a supportive but realistic working environment, for people with severe and enduring mental illness. There is no upper age limit or restrictions on the time that people can stay with SWOP. The charity's aim is to create a loving community for people who often feel frightened, lonely, isolated, and powerless.


The nursery is a safe and non-threatening place to work, where volunteers can receive support from staff, gain strength from developing friendships with each other, share problems and experiences, and build social networking through working together.



The Sheltered Work Opportunities Project​


The Sheltered Work Opportunities Project is a registered charity that currently has two projects, Cherry Tree Nursery in Bournemouth, established in 1990, and Chestnut Nursery in Poole, established in 2001.


The charity was set up to address an identified need for meaningful occupation in a supportive and pressure-free environment, for adults with severe and enduring mental illness. endeavour to reduce stigma and discrimination by increasing public awareness of mental illness.


Through therapeutic horticulture, the charity aims to restore mental well-being and give purpose to people’s lives. The Trustees of the charity, who meet quarterly, come from a variety of backgrounds including business, horticulture, accounting, healthcare, and disability rights advice. Annual returns are submitted to the Charity Commission and Companies House, and the charity’s accounts are fully audited annually. Each SWOP project holds regular management meetings to discuss important matters.

All volunteers are eligible to attend these meetings and to call a family meeting to discuss any issue they are concerned about. Part of SWOP’s brief is to reduce stigma and discrimination by promoting public awareness of mental health issues. Cherry Tree has an Information Centre, and talks are given to local groups and organisations visiting the nursery.


The Nursery is regularly featured in the local media, produces newsletters, holds Open Days, and has produced a DVD about the work of the charity, which has a high profile within the field of therapeutic horticulture.



Donate before the Festival Weekend​


Cherry Tree Nursery could not survive without donations, which cover half of the nursery’s total running costs. You can make a one-off donation or a regular donation, or you can set up a fund-raising page for an organised or sponsored event you are participating in a personal challenge to mark a special occasion or in memory of someone.


Donate to Cherry Tree Nursery today!



Get Involved and become a Friend of Cherry Tree Nursery


There are many different ways in which people choose to get involved with Cherry Tree Nursery. The charity calls these people Friends of Cherry Tree Nursery, and if they wish, send them newsletters and invitations to our events.


Many of them enjoy receiving our very popular calendar, which is a good way of keeping in contact. In general, they have 3 types of friends: Supporting Friends, Event Helpers and Active Friends.


To get involved and support the charity as a friend, find full information here.



Please support the charity in person and visit Cherry Tree Nursery at:


Off New Road Roundabout

Dorset BH10 7DA

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